A mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2 to support "haptic feedback devices" for "reasons"
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* @file scssdk_telemetry_common_configs.h
* @brief Telemetry specific constants for configs.
* This file defines truck specific telemetry constants which
* might be used by more than one SCS game. See game-specific
* file to determine which constants are supported by specific
* game.
#include "../scssdk.h"
* @brief The count of the trailers supported by SDK.
* The maximum number of trailers that can be returned by the telemetry SDK.
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_trailers_count 10
* @brief Configuration of the substances.
* Attribute index is index of the substance.
* Supported attributes:
* @li id
* TODO: Whatever additional info necessary.
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_substances "substances"
* @brief Static configuration of the controls.
* @li shifter_type
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_controls "controls"
* @brief Configuration of the h-shifter.
* When evaluating the selected gear, find slot which matches
* the handle position and bitmask of on/off state of selectors.
* If one is found, it contains the resulting gear. Otherwise
* a neutral is assumed.
* Supported attributes:
* @li selector_count
* @li resulting gear index for each slot
* @li handle position index for each slot
* @li bitmask of selectors for each slot
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_hshifter "hshifter"
* @brief Static configuration of the truck.
* If empty set of attributes is returned, there is no configured truck.
* Supported attributes:
* @li brand_id
* @li brand
* @li id
* @li name
* @li fuel_capacity
* @li fuel_warning_factor
* @li adblue_capacity
* @li ablue_warning_factor
* @li air_pressure_warning
* @li air_pressure_emergency
* @li oil_pressure_warning
* @li water_temperature_warning
* @li battery_voltage_warning
* @li rpm_limit
* @li foward_gear_count
* @li reverse_gear_count
* @li retarder_step_count
* @li cabin_position
* @li head_position
* @li hook_position
* @li license_plate
* @li license_plate_country
* @li license_plate_country_id
* @li wheel_count
* @li wheel positions for wheel_count wheels
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_truck "truck"
* @brief Backward compatibility static configuration of the first trailer (attributes are equal to trailer.0).
* The trailers configurations are returned using trailer.[index]
* (e.g. trailer.0, trailer.1, ... trailer.9 ...)
* SDK currently can return up to @c SCS_TELEMETRY_trailers_count trailers.
* If there are less trailers in game than @c SCS_TELEMETRY_trailers_count
* telemetry will return all configurations however starting from the trailer after last
* existing one its attributes will be empty.
* Supported attributes:
* @li id
* @li cargo_accessory_id
* @li hook_position
* @li brand_id
* @li brand
* @li name
* @li chain_type (reported only for first trailer)
* @li body_type (reported only for first trailer)
* @li license_plate
* @li license_plate_country
* @li license_plate_country_id
* @li wheel_count
* @li wheel offsets for wheel_count wheels
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_trailer "trailer"
* @brief Static configuration of the job.
* If empty set of attributes is returned, there is no job.
* Supported attributes:
* @li cargo_id
* @li cargo
* @li cargo_mass
* @li destination_city_id
* @li destination_city
* @li source_city_id
* @li source_city
* @li destination_company_id (only available for non special transport jobs)
* @li destination_company (only available for non special transport jobs)
* @li source_company_id (only available for non special transport jobs)
* @li source_company (only available for non special transport jobs)
* @li income - represents expected income for the job without any penalties
* @li delivery_time
* @li is_cargo_loaded
* @li job_market
* @li special_job
* @li planned_distance_km
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_job "job"
// Attributes
* @brief Brand id for configuration purposes.
* Limited to C-identifier characters.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_brand_id "brand_id"
* @brief Brand for display purposes.
* Localized using the current in-game language.
* Type: string
* @brief Name for internal use by code.
* Limited to C-identifier characters and dots.
* Type: string
* @brief Name of cargo accessory for internal use by code.
* Limited to C-identifier characters and dots.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_cargo_accessory_id "cargo.accessory.id"
* @brief Name of trailer chain type.
* Limited to C-identifier characters and dots.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_chain_type "chain.type"
* @brief Name of trailer body type.
* Limited to C-identifier characters and dots.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_body_type "body.type"
* @brief Vehicle license plate.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_license_plate "license.plate"
* @brief The id representing license plate country.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_license_plate_country_id "license.plate.country.id"
* @brief The name of the license plate country.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_license_plate_country "license.plate.country"
* @brief Name for display purposes.
* Localized using the current in-game language.
* Type: string
* @brief Fuel tank capacity in litres.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_fuel_capacity "fuel.capacity"
* @brief Fraction of the fuel capacity below which
* is activated the fuel warning.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_fuel_warning_factor "fuel.warning.factor"
* @brief AdBlue tank capacity in litres.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_adblue_capacity "adblue.capacity"
* @brief Fraction of the adblue capacity below which
* is activated the adblue warning.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_adblue_warning_factor "adblue.warning.factor"
* @brief Pressure of the air in the tank below which
* the warning activates.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_air_pressure_warning "brake.air.pressure.warning"
* @brief Pressure of the air in the tank below which
* the emergency brakes activate.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_air_pressure_emergency "brake.air.pressure.emergency"
* @brief Pressure of the oil below which the warning activates.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_oil_pressure_warning "oil.pressure.warning"
* @brief Temperature of the water above which the warning activates.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_water_temperature_warning "water.temperature.warning"
* @brief Voltage of the battery below which the warning activates.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_battery_voltage_warning "battery.voltage.warning"
* @brief Maximum rpm value.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_rpm_limit "rpm.limit"
* @brief Number of forward gears on undamaged truck.
* Type: u32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_forward_gear_count "gears.forward"
* @brief Number of reversee gears on undamaged truck.
* Type: u32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_reverse_gear_count "gears.reverse"
* @brief Differential ratio of the truck.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_differential_ratio "differential.ratio"
* @brief Number of steps in the retarder.
* Set to zero if retarder is not mounted to the truck.
* Type: u32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_retarder_step_count "retarder.steps"
* @brief Forward transmission ratios.
* Type: indexed float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_forward_ratio "forward.ratio"
* @brief Reverse transmission ratios.
* Type: indexed float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_reverse_ratio "reverse.ratio"
* @brief Position of the cabin in the vehicle space.
* This is position of the joint around which the cabin rotates.
* This attribute might be not present if the vehicle does not
* have a separate cabin.
* Type: fvector
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_cabin_position "cabin.position"
* @brief Default position of the head in the cabin space.
* Type: fvector
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_head_position "head.position"
* @brief Position of the trailer connection hook in vehicle
* space.
* Type: fvector
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_hook_position "hook.position"
* @brief Number of wheels
* Type: u32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_wheel_count "wheels.count"
* @brief Position of respective wheels in the vehicle space.
* Type: indexed fvector
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_wheel_position "wheel.position"
* @brief Is the wheel steerable?
* Type: indexed bool
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_wheel_steerable "wheel.steerable"
* @brief Is the wheel physicaly simulated?
* Type: indexed bool
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_wheel_simulated "wheel.simulated"
* @brief Radius of the wheel
* Type: indexed float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_wheel_radius "wheel.radius"
* @brief Is the wheel powered?
* Type: indexed bool
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_wheel_powered "wheel.powered"
* @brief Is the wheel liftable?
* Type: indexed bool
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_wheel_liftable "wheel.liftable"
* @brief Number of selectors (e.g. range/splitter toggles).
* Type: u32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_selector_count "selector.count"
* @brief Gear selected when requirements for this h-shifter slot are meet.
* Type: indexed s32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_slot_gear "slot.gear"
* @brief Position of h-shifter handle.
* Zero corresponds to neutral position. Mapping to physical position of
* the handle depends on input setup.
* Type: indexed u32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_slot_handle_position "slot.handle.position"
* @brief Bitmask of required on/off state of selectors.
* Only first selector_count bits are relevant.
* Type: indexed u32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_slot_selectors "slot.selectors"
* @brief Type of the shifter.
* One from SCS_SHIFTER_TYPE_* values.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_shifter_type "shifter.type"
#define SCS_SHIFTER_TYPE_arcade "arcade"
#define SCS_SHIFTER_TYPE_automatic "automatic"
#define SCS_SHIFTER_TYPE_manual "manual"
#define SCS_SHIFTER_TYPE_hshifter "hshifter"
// Attributes
* @brief Id of the cargo for internal use by code.
* Limited to C-identifier characters and dots.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_cargo_id "cargo.id"
* @brief Name of the cargo for display purposes.
* Localized using the current in-game language.
* Type: string
* @brief Mass of the cargo in kilograms.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_cargo_mass "cargo.mass"
* @brief Mass of the single unit of the cargo in kilograms.
* Type: float
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_cargo_unit_mass "cargo.unit.mass"
* @brief How many units of the cargo the job consist of.
* Type: u32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_cargo_unit_count "cargo.unit.count"
* @brief Id of the destination city for internal use by code.
* Limited to C-identifier characters and dots.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_destination_city_id "destination.city.id"
* @brief Name of the destination city for display purposes.
* Localized using the current in-game language.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_destination_city "destination.city"
* @brief Id of the destination company for internal use by code.
* Limited to C-identifier characters and dots.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_destination_company_id "destination.company.id"
* @brief Name of the destination company for display purposes.
* Localized using the current in-game language.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_destination_company "destination.company"
* @brief Id of the source city for internal use by code.
* Limited to C-identifier characters and dots.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_source_city_id "source.city.id"
* @brief Name of the source city for display purposes.
* Localized using the current in-game language.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_source_city "source.city"
* @brief Id of the source company for internal use by code.
* Limited to C-identifier characters and dots.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_source_company_id "source.company.id"
* @brief Name of the source company for display purposes.
* Localized using the current in-game language.
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_source_company "source.company"
* @brief Reward in internal game-specific currency.
* For detailed information about the currency see "Game specific units"
* documentation in scssdk_telemetry_<game_id>.h
* Type: u64
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_income "income"
* @brief Absolute in-game time of end of job delivery window.
* Delivering the job after this time will cause it be late.
* See SCS_TELEMETRY_CHANNEL_game_time for more info about absolute time.
* Time remaining for delivery can be obtained like (delivery_time - game_time).
* Type: u32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_delivery_time "delivery.time"
* @brief Planned job distance in simulated kilometers.
* Does not include distance driven using ferry.
* Type: u32
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_planned_distance_km "planned_distance.km"
* @brief Is cargo loaded on the trailer?
* For non cargo market jobs this is always true
* Type: bool
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_is_cargo_loaded "cargo.loaded"
* @brief The job market this job is from.
* The value is a string representing the type of the job market.
* Possible values:
* @li cargo_market
* @li quick_job
* @li freight_market
* @li external_contracts
* @li external_market
* Type: string
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_job_market "job.market"
* @brief Flag indicating that the job is special transport job.
* Type: bool
#define SCS_TELEMETRY_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE_special_job "is.special.job"
/* eof */