#include "FastLED.h" #include "FastLED_RGBW.h" #include #define NUM_LEDS 1 #define DATA_PIN 4 #define IR_RECEIVE_PIN 2 CRGBW COL_RED (255, 0, 0, 0); CRGBW COL_GREEN ( 0,255, 0, 0); CRGBW COL_BLUE ( 0, 0,255, 0); CRGBW COL_WHITE ( 0, 0, 0,255); CRGBW COL_SUM (255,255,255,255); CRGBW COL_AMBER (255,191, 0, 0); CRGBW COL_LIME (127,255, 0, 0); CRGBW COL_AZURE ( 0,127,255, 0); CRGBW COL_ORANGE (255,127, 0, 0); CRGBW COL_CYAN ( 0,255,255, 0); CRGBW COL_UV ( 63, 0,255, 0); CRGBW COL_PEACHY (255, 63, 0, 0); CRGBW COL_SPRING ( 0,255,127, 0); CRGBW COL_MAGENTA(255, 0,255, 0); CRGBW COL_YELLOW (255,255, 0, 0); CRGBW COL_VIOLET (127, 0,255, 0); CRGBW COL_ROSE (255, 0,127, 0); CRGBW desaturate(CRGBW col) { return CRGBW(col.red, col.green, col.blue, col.white + 64); } struct ColourCode { uint32_t code; CRGBW colour; CRGBW altColour; ColourCode(uint32_t c, CRGBW col) { code = c; colour = col; altColour = desaturate(col); } ColourCode(uint32_t c, CRGBW colA, CRGBW colB) { code = c; colour = colA; altColour = colB; } }; const ColourCode colourCodes[] = { {0x97483BFB, COL_RED}, {0x86B0E697, COL_GREEN}, {0x9EF4941F, COL_BLUE}, {0xA3C8EDDB, COL_SUM, COL_WHITE}, {0x5BE75E7F, COL_AMBER}, {0xF377C5B7, COL_LIME}, {0xC101E57B, COL_AZURE}, {0xD7E84B1B, COL_ORANGE}, {0xEE4ECCFB, COL_CYAN}, {0x51E43D1B, COL_UV}, {0x2A89195F, COL_PEACHY}, {0xF63C8657, COL_SPRING}, {0x44C407DB, COL_MAGENTA}, {0x488F3CBB, COL_YELLOW}, {0x13549BDF, COL_VIOLET}, {0x35A9425F, COL_ROSE} }; const uint32_t CODE_BRIGHTER = 0xE5CFBD7F; const uint32_t CODE_DIMMER = 0xA23C94BF; const uint32_t CODE_OFF = 0xE721C0DB; const uint32_t CODE_ON = 0xF0C41643; const int NUM_COLOURCODES = sizeof(colourCodes) / sizeof(ColourCode); CRGBW leds[NUM_LEDS]; CRGB *ledsRGB = (CRGB *) &leds[0]; IRrecv irrecv(IR_RECEIVE_PIN); uint8_t brightness = 128; uint32_t lastCode = 0; decode_results results; void setup() { FastLED.addLeds(ledsRGB, getRGBWsize(NUM_LEDS)); FastLED.setBrightness(128); FastLED.show(); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); #if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) while (!Serial) ; //delay for Leonardo, but this loops forever for Maple Serial #endif #if defined(SERIAL_USB) || defined(SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL) delay(2000); // To be able to connect Serial monitor after reset and before first printout #endif // Just to know which program is running on my Arduino Serial.println(F("START " __FILE__ " from " __DATE__)); // In case the interrupt driver crashes on setup, give a clue // to the user what's going on. Serial.println("Enabling IRin"); irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver Serial.print(F("Ready to receive IR signals at pin ")); Serial.println(IR_RECEIVE_PIN); } void colorFill(CRGBW c){ for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++){ leds[i] = c; FastLED.show(); delay(50); } } void colorFill(CRGB c){ for(int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++){ leds[i] = c; FastLED.show(); delay(50); } } void interpretColourCode(uint32_t code) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COLOURCODES; i++) { ColourCode col = colourCodes[i]; if (col.code == code) { if (code == lastCode) { colorFill(col.altColour); lastCode = 0; } else { colorFill(col.colour); lastCode = code; } break; } } } void loop() { if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { Serial.println(results.value, HEX); irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value switch(results.value) { case CODE_BRIGHTER: brightness += 32; FastLED.setBrightness(brightness); FastLED.show(); break; case CODE_DIMMER: brightness -= 32; FastLED.setBrightness(brightness); FastLED.show(); break; case CODE_OFF: FastLED.setBrightness(0); FastLED.show(); break; case CODE_ON: FastLED.setBrightness(brightness); FastLED.show(); break; default: interpretColourCode(results.value); } } delay(100); }