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239 lines
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239 lines
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3 years ago
extends Node2D
export var boardSize: Vector2 = Vector2(10,7)
class_name GameScene
var reality: GameState
var simulate: GameState
func _ready() -> void:
reality =
var cellScene: PackedScene = load("res://scenes/Cell.tscn")
var lineScene: PackedScene = load("res://scenes/Line.tscn")
for cellIdx in range(reality.get_cell_count()):
var cell: Node = cellScene.instance()
cell.idx = cellIdx
for lineIdx in range(reality.get_line_count()):
var line: Node = lineScene.instance()
line.idx = lineIdx
line.connect("line_clicked", self, "_line_clicked")
print("Lines at 0,0: %s" % [get_lines_by_grid(Vector2(0,0))])
print("Lines at 0,1: %s" % [get_lines_by_grid(Vector2(0,1))])
func _line_clicked(lineIdx: int):
var line: LineAccessor = get_line(lineIdx)
var surrounds: int = test_line_surrounds(lineIdx)
print("Line %d clicked! Surrounded: %d" % [lineIdx, surrounds])
# +ve: down and left
# -ve: up and right
var cell: CellAccessor = null
if surrounds > 0:
if line.get_horizontal():
cell = get_cell_by_grid(line.get_grid1() + Vector2(0,1))
cell = get_cell_by_grid(line.get_grid1())
elif surrounds < 0:
if line.get_horizontal():
cell = get_cell_by_grid(line.get_grid1())
cell = get_cell_by_grid(line.get_grid1() + Vector2(1,0))
if cell != null:
flood_owner(cell, 1)
func flood_owner(cell: CellAccessor, owner: int):
if cell.get_owner() != 0:
if get_line_by_grid(cell.get_grid() - Vector2(0,1), true).get_owner() == 0:
flood_owner(get_cell_by_grid(cell.get_grid() - Vector2(0,1)), owner)
if get_line_by_grid(cell.get_grid(), true).get_owner() == 0:
flood_owner(get_cell_by_grid(cell.get_grid() + Vector2(0,1)), owner)
if get_line_by_grid(cell.get_grid() - Vector2(1,0), false).get_owner() == 0:
flood_owner(get_cell_by_grid(cell.get_grid() - Vector2(1,0)), owner)
if get_line_by_grid(cell.get_grid(), false).get_owner() == 0:
flood_owner(get_cell_by_grid(cell.get_grid() + Vector2(1,0)), owner)
func test_line_surrounds(startIdx: int) -> int:
var startLine: LineAccessor = get_line(startIdx)
var grid0: Vector2 = startLine.get_grid0()
var grid1: Vector2 = startLine.get_grid1()
var openSet: Array = [grid0] # points yet to visit
var closedSet: Array = [] # points visited already
while openSet.size() > 0:
var point: Vector2 = openSet.pop_front()
var lines: Array = get_lines_by_grid(point)
for line in lines:
if line.get_owner() == 0:
continue # don't follow unowned lines
if line.idx == startIdx:
continue # don't follow the start line
var otherSide: Vector2 = line.get_grid_other_end(point)
if otherSide == grid1:
print("Loop found: %s" % [closedSet])
return calulate_winding(closedSet) # we made it!
if otherSide in closedSet:
continue # been there done that
elif otherSide in openSet:
continue # we already plan to go there
return 0
func calulate_winding(points: Array) -> int:
# Sum over the edges, (x2 − x1)(y2 + y1).
# If the result is positive the curve is clockwise, if it's negative the curve is counter-clockwise.
# (The result is twice the enclosed area, with a +/- convention.)
var ret: int = 0
for idx in range(points.size()):
var point1: Vector2 = points[idx-1]
var point2: Vector2 = points[idx]
ret += int(point2.x - point1.x) * int(point2.y + point1.y)
return ret/2
func get_cell(idx: int) -> CellAccessor:
var ret: CellAccessor =
ret.gameScene = self
ret.idx = idx
return ret
func get_cell_idx_by_grid(pos: Vector2) -> int:
return int((pos.y * boardSize.x) + pos.x)
func get_cell_by_grid(pos: Vector2) -> CellAccessor:
return get_cell(get_cell_idx_by_grid(pos))
func get_line(idx: int) -> LineAccessor:
var ret: LineAccessor =
ret.idx = idx
ret.gameScene = self
return ret
func get_line_by_grid(pos: Vector2, horizontal: bool) -> LineAccessor:
var idx: int
if horizontal:
idx = get_cell_idx_by_grid(pos)
var cellsLastRow: int = int ((boardSize.x * boardSize.y) - boardSize.x)
idx = int(cellsLastRow + pos.y + (pos.x * boardSize.y))
return get_line(idx)
func get_lines_by_grid(grid: Vector2) -> Array:
var ret: Array = []
if grid.y >= 0:
ret.append(get_line_by_grid(grid, false))
if grid.x >= 0:
ret.append(get_line_by_grid(grid, true))
ret.append(get_line_by_grid(grid + Vector2(0,1),false))
ret.append(get_line_by_grid(grid + Vector2(1,0),true))
return ret
class CellAccessor:
var gameScene: GameScene
var idx: int
func get_state(real: bool = true): # NOTE: duplicated
if real:
return gameScene.reality
return gameScene.simulate
func get_owner(real: bool = true) -> int:
return get_state(real).cellOwners[idx]
func set_owner(owner: int, real: bool = true):
get_state(real).cellOwners[idx] = owner
func get_grid() -> Vector2:
var col: int = idx % int(gameScene.boardSize.x)
var row: int = idx / int(gameScene.boardSize.x)
return Vector2(col,row)
func get_pos() -> Vector2:
return get_grid() * 75
class LineAccessor:
var gameScene: GameScene
var idx: int
func get_state(real: bool = true): # NOTE: duplicated
if real:
return gameScene.reality
return gameScene.simulate
func get_owner(real: bool = true) -> int:
return get_state(real).lineOwners[idx]
func set_owner(owner: int, real: bool = true):
get_state(real).lineOwners[idx] = owner
func get_cellIdx() -> int:
var cellsLastRow: int = int ((gameScene.boardSize.x * gameScene.boardSize.y) - gameScene.boardSize.x)
if idx < cellsLastRow:
return idx
var ln: int = idx - cellsLastRow
var row: int = ln % int(gameScene.boardSize.y)
var col: int = ln / int(gameScene.boardSize.y)
return (row * int(gameScene.boardSize.x)) + col
func get_horizontal() -> bool:
var cellsLastRow: int = int ((gameScene.boardSize.x * gameScene.boardSize.y) - gameScene.boardSize.x)
return idx <= cellsLastRow
func get_point0() -> Vector2:
return (get_grid0() * 75) + Vector2(85,85)
func get_point1() -> Vector2:
return (get_grid1() * 75) + Vector2(85,85)
func get_grid0() -> Vector2:
var grid1: Vector2 = get_grid1()
if get_horizontal():
return grid1 - Vector2(1,0)
return grid1 - Vector2(0,1)
func get_grid1() -> Vector2:
# NOTE: duplicated
var cellIdx: int = get_cellIdx()
var col: int = cellIdx % int(gameScene.boardSize.x)
var row: int = cellIdx / int(gameScene.boardSize.x)
return Vector2(col,row)
func get_grid_other_end(grid: Vector2):
if grid == get_grid0():
return get_grid1()
elif grid == get_grid1():
return get_grid0()
func get_neighbours() -> Array:
var ret: Array = []
for line in gameScene.get_lines_by_grid(get_grid0()):
for line in gameScene.get_lines_by_grid(get_grid1()):
return ret
func _to_string() -> String:
return "Line %d" % [idx]